Winter Registration is OPEN! REGISTER NOW
$400 OFF Thru Midnight Oct. 29th

Deborah Henson-Conant’s


The World’s Premiere Online Program
for Creative Harpists

from Fledgling to Advanced Players

Where music is about CONNECTION…

not Perfection

What if you already had all the skills you need to express yourself…

But you didn’t know how to use them?

Well, that’s all about to change!

“Hip Harp Academy” is all about learning fundamental skills of creativity to support the talents you already have and give you the tools, templates, blueprints and practices to free you from the notes on the page.

This webinar excerpt gives the nuts & bolts of Hip Harp Academy – the schedule, how live events and replays work,  how much time members spend each week. PLUS interviews with two members so you can hear, in their own words, how the Academy works for THEM!

Join Us for the “Structure is Freedom” Quarter
Thru December 2024
Membership is $400 OFF thru Oct. 29

Structure is Freedom

The “Structure is Freedom” opening Celebration includes a series of FREE events: The  5-Day Harp Improv Adventure, “Structure is Freedom” Intro Webinar and the “Kickstart Week” of 3 FREE classes so you can get a taste of the Academy.

These 3 events also prepare members – whether you’re new or ongoing – in the fundamental skills and tools we’ll be using throughout the quarter:  The 5-Part Arrangement Framework, Roles of Engagement, Fencepost Improv, Snippets and fundamentals of Modulation. 

The Outcome of this Quarter is that you will be a new kind of musician: One who’s able to effortlessly, joyfully and spontaneously create music at any moment using any simple tune combined with the framework and tools from the course,  somone who can spin an arrangement that has a beginning, middle and end; who can easily create and play a ‘set’ of these arrangements – and who can use small musical snippets to ‘fill’ or ‘explore’ moments within or between tunes.  I hope you’ll join the Academy for this adventure with me!


The Academy combines THREE powerful learning modes:

Classes ~ Coaching ~ Community

The Academy combines dozens of CLASSES you can take self-paced or as part of the Guided Curriculum – with COACHING from an Award-Winning international harp innovator and role-model to give you direction and support- and a powerful, inspiring, supportive COMMUNITY of harpists around the world – so you never have to do it alone.









Invest in Your Creative Freedom

Take your creative expression to the next level

With a Full YEAR of Academy Classes & Community

$597 $497 During Early-Bird

One Payment of $1997 $1597

$400 OFF During Open Enrollment
Join by Oct 23, 2024 to lock in this pricing


12-Months Access to all Classes, Coaching & Chats, Office Hours and Academy Events 

Click the “Register Now” Button below to see your discount!

3 Payments of $215 $179 During Early-Bird
(Scroll down in order form to “Payment Plans”)

3 Payments of $215 $179 During Early-Bird
(Scroll down in order form to “Payment Plans”)

12 Payments of $185 $147

Join by Oct 23, 2024 to lock in this pricing

(Scroll down in order form to “Payment Plans”)


12-Months Access to all Classes, Coaching & Chats, Office Hours and Academy Events 

Click the “Register Now” Button below to see your discount!

For Upgrades & Renewals (click to open)

This info is for those who have taken a paid class recently and would like to upgrade to the full Academy Membership — or those who are current members wanting to renew.


When you take a stand-alone class from the Academy, you have the option to upgrade to Full Academy Membership within 30 days – and you can apply 100% of what you paid for the class to your membership.

Here’s how to Upgrade:

==> Use this UPGRADE ORDER FORM, put your UPGRADE CODE into the “promo code” field & hit “apply” to get your discount.

  • If you don’t have an upgrade code, use the Ask-a-Question form to let us know which class you’re upgrading from and we’ll send you the code.
  • We want to make getting into the Academy as easy as possible for you, so if you’ve missed the deadline, reach out anyway – and we’ll see what we can do.


  • If you’ve been in the Academy for at least one year & you’re renewing,  use this order form to RENEW with your discount code and put your “Elite” discount code in the Promo Code field. You’ll be able to choose to pay in full or a payment plan. Renewal also gives you ‘Elite’ status with extra Elite-Only chats.
  • If the Academy price has gone up since you joined, don’t worry. Your code should bring it back down to your original locked-in price.
  • If the code doesn’t work didn’t get a renewal discount code, use the “Ask a Question” form to let us know and ask us to send it to you.
  • I look forward to spending another year with you!

See you in the Academy!

What students say about learning with
Deborah Henson-Conant & Hip Harp Academy

“My sheet music has always been my safety net, and I couldn’t imagine myself to perform anything by memory. But when you broke Baroque Flamenco down into small pieces, it all felt so simple. I felt so safe. Thank you so much for making me do something that I thought was impossible.

Annette Sollie Hagen (Norway)

“I have not had this much fun playing my harp for months. Since I’m fairly new to the harp; I’m also learning a great deal from the suggestions, ideas and comments of everyone. Taking copious notes & tucking them away for when I’m ready for new concepts.”

Laurie Esch Taylor

“I play almost daily at the hospital or hospice, and put all of this into practice immediately, so it really sinks in.”

Betsy Scott Chapman

“She makes it possible no matter what your musical ability is. Thank you DHC!”

Katrina Sleight

“This was the single most important musical course I have ever done in years of learning harp, and I would recommend it to anyone at any musical level.

The course was absolutely jam-packed with incredible information, carefully structured so anyone at any level can work with the concepts … and the concepts I learned have become integral to my harping experience, like a kind of ‘harping code’.

With this one course, Deborah gave me all the tools I needed for arranging music.”            Blythe Tait (Australia)

“As an adult beginner on harp, I thought your “New Blues” was way too hard for me, but after I took ‘New Blues Beyond the Page’ I realized I CAN PLAY IT!”

Kathy King (USA)

You provide the most inspiring, amazing space for students to break through the challenges, let go, and feel free. 

It is so fascinating how you explore the emotional and spiritual aspects of music together.

I love how you keep it real and think out of the box all at the same time, and I love both the fun and profound sides of what you express and explore.”

Tess Nurman


When I first met Deborah’s work I assumed she would be far above what I could ever do so didn’t look to work with her. But then a 5 Day Challenge made me realize how incredibly skilled she is at recognizing & affirming the beauty of the simple, at bringing every single person along with her, no matter at what stage they are, that every single person can leave her armed with a new bag of goodies and a knowing of where they’re going.

Helen Bawden

No child should EVER go through years and years of music lessons and end up like so many of us … unable to really play anything without the music in front of us.

You are the way-shower for anyone who actually wants to know music and make music. You are freeing humanity to tune into the music that we were born to express.

Dr. Christiane Northrup

With less effort than it would take to learn ONE complicated piece, I have the foundation and tools to take all my playing to a higher level. 

Diane Giorgio

If there is one lesson that DHC emphasizes over and over, it is to appreciate and enjoy what we can do at this time, knowing that we can and will continue to improve.

This support has had an effect on me that has gone beyond my harp-playing.

Harriet McKenna



How long is the Hip Harp Academy?

You are signing up for a 12 month adventure when you join Hip Harp Academy. That means that you can take any or ALL of the courses in Hip Harp Academy, either at your own pace or in the guided interactive versions DHC leads (i.e. the “Guided Curriculum)  — or BOTH — at any time, or as many times as you want for the whole year.  If you renew your membership at the end of that year, then you’ll get another whole year of access.

You can join the Academy any time and get 24/7 access to everything in the Learning Vault,  to learn at your own pace, BUT it can be fun to start  at the beginning of a quarter.

What if I’m not Tech-Savvy … or a downright Technophobe??

Even people who consider themselves completely non-tech-savvy have said they’re able to access and enjoy the course. Some people even say that one of the big benefits of membership is getting help becoming more tech savvy.

Most course modules are provided in 3 formats: streaming video, PDF worksheets and downloadable audio.

Do I have to do homework?

I encourage everyone to do the suggested work in the classes and share it to get coaching.  While that can be intimidating at first, ultimately it’s liberating, fun and confidence-building.

Are ALL the courses already available right now? If I wanted to hunker down and take them all in the first year, could I do that?

Yes.  Although you probably wouldn’t be able to do anything else.  There are a LOT of classes!

When are the courses available and for how long?

The courses are available 24/7 for as  long as you remain a member of the Academy. In addition to being able to go through the courses at your own pace whenever you want, DHC also runs  interactive “Guided” versions of most courses on a schedule throughout the year.  Once you’re in the Academy, you can choose either option – or both – whatever makes the learning work for you.

How do the “levels” of the Academy work?

The Academy is a Yearlong Membership program with THREE LEVELS

  1. FREE LEVEL includes fun resources everyone can enjoy (and you can stay in FREE LEVEL as long as you like – whether you renew your other membership levels or not)
  2. FULL LEVEL includes ALL the online courses you see on this page. When you join at FULL level, you can take any of the courses at your own pace any time OR join the guided interactive versions of the courses OR do BOTH.
  3. HARNESS YOUR MUSE if you’re ready to develop a new project, like an album, a concert, a show (or you want to COMPLETE one you started), or work with a new kind of ensemble – like a trio, or chamber group – or if you want to work on career development  you can apply for the “Harness Your Muse” mentorship project. Read more and apply here.

Is there any way to see inside the Academy to get an idea how it’s set up?

YES!!  You can sign up for my FREE “HaRpy Birthday” mini-training ( and you’ll get right into the FREE level of the Academy where you’ll see how it’s all set up.

What if I live in a timezone that makes it difficult for me to attend ‘live’ events? Will they be videotaped for replay?
  • The TRAINING MODULES are all already all videotaped, and we’re just transferring them to the new classroom now (but there’s a lot of content so we’re doing it class by class)
  • Any LIVE CHATS and EVENTS will be videotaped (barring major equipment gremlins) — and the replays will be available to everyone who has FULL membership.
  • We currrently hold the weekly Masterclass TWICE each Monday so that it’s accessible for people in multiple timezone.
  • For people who want to ask questions but can’t make the live chats or masterclasses, you’ll be able to submit your questions in advance via the “Ask a Question” form

Exactly what is the cost?

Yearly membership is $1997. Once you  become a member, the price you paid is  locked in – and will remain the same for as long as you maintain your membership, even if the price of the Academy goes up.

Can I get credit for a class I took when I "upgrade" from a single class to the full Academy Membership?

YES! If you choose to upgrade within 30 days of purchasing any class, you can apply 100% of what you paid to Academy Membership as a class credit.

Do you provide payment plans?

Yes. We almost always have at least one payment plan available for any class that’s over $150.

Can I get a Refund?

We operate a strict no-refund policy.  Join the community, take action, invest your heart and soul in our own creative expression and you’ll never want to leave, let alone a refund… trust me!

Next Question

The next question might be the one you have!  So if the answer to your question isn’t listed above, send it via my “Ask a Question” form and we’ll try to answer as soon as I can!