Shows This Weekend!
Sharable Videos at my Facebook Fan Page
Spectacular Last-Minute Gifts!

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Whatever your life experience, you've had a mother - sometimes many people collectively become the voice of 'mother' to you. Wonderful, maddening, deeply comforting, deeply frustrating -- from sublime to ridiculous, it's a relationship that never truly resolves - but boy, is it rich!

Come celebrate with me this weekend. Bring someone you love (or someone who frustrates the living daylights out of you... hey, it might be the same person!) and indulge in an experience that's fun, moving, and full of music.

You can celebrate being with your mother. You can celebrate not being with your mother. Just make sure you celebrate!

Fri. May 7 - Tupelo Music Hall
Londonderry, NH - 603-437-5100 - Tix $30 - Tix

Sat. May 8 - TCAN Center for Arts
Natick, MA - 508-647-0097 - Tix $26 / $24 - Tix

And after the show, you can join the conversation! Let me know what you experienced, and what you thought of it all, by commenting at my blog.

2. GET PERSONAL: We're all dazzled by the cyber-blitz of media -- so a personal word from you becomes ever more important. Tell your friends about the shows, tell them exactly why you think THEY'D love to be there - and send them to to see a video of what they're in for!

3. SHARE MY MOTHER'S DAY VIDEO-CARDS: Become a Facebook Fan or visit my Mother's Day Page for access to my sharable Mother's Day video. And no, this isn't a ploy to get you to join my Facebook Fan page -- we're still not experts at making these sharable 'widgets' and this one is just unreliable - sometimes it shares nicely via Facebook and sometimes it refuses. Same on my website -- so check out both places, see which one works best for you and then start sending out the cards so others can enjoy them! It features some truly gorgeous video from my PBS Music Special, 'Invention & Alchemy." Plus it's about my mom! So enjoy it and pass it on! (p.s. check out the online version of this email for updates about this widget's functionality - and remember to refresh your screen to make sure you see updates)

4. LAST-MINUTE MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS! It's not too late to give the most wonderful of gifts -- the gift of personal experience, inspiration and growth! Aside from the Mother's Day Weekend Shows, we have two different choices (and if you want to give both, let us know and we'll come up with a special discount for you):

5-DAY SUMMER PERFORMANCE INTENSIVE: You can still get the "Early Bird Discount" for my 5-Day summer intensive "Performance for Musicians" if you tell them you're buying it as a Mother's Day Gift when you register - but sign up by May 9th for the discount!. This is an unadvertised extension -- only to my fans so catch it while you can! More info here.

ONE-ON-ONE CREATIVITY: You can sign up for a one-on-one session at my studio -- to explore your inner musician, learn how to create your own show, explore the basics of improvisation, or just take a "creativity lesson" in how to use the gifts you don't even know you have! See the world in a new and magical light! Sessions range from $150 - $500*. Email us for details - but don't wait too long - we'll be out at shows starting Friday, so email now if you're interested. *For sessions booked by May 15, 2010, you can bring up to two people and share the session for no additional cost. So bring your best friend, your children, your mother, your brother for a shared experience -- and indulge yourself in the joy of your own creativity.

OK, OK -- these aren't exactly "Higher Education" but I decided to get my feet wet, videotaping a basic "How-To" and also showing what one of my students is up to.:

Celeste's First Harp Lesson: For years, I promised my best friend, Celeste, that I'd give her a harp lesson. So if you want to learn the basics of how a harp works in two casual 10-minute sessions, check out these two videos. Let me know if you like having me post these kinds of videos -- and if you learned anything! Check it out here.

Harpist Channels Hendrix: Australian harpist Michelle Smith has been living on-site and studying on a 3-month intensive with me. She's learning about jazz structure, harmony and arrangement techniques -- and she's also been learning how to bend the harp (literally) to bring tunes like Hendrix's "Red House" alive on the harp. Check out one of her impromptu work sessions in my studio. Check it out here.

6. STAY TUNED TO BOSTON.COM!!! Writer Taryn Plumb and Boston Globe staff photographer John ... er .. John ... uh ... yikes -- we never learned his last name! Well, we spent an exciting morning with them last week on a rare personal visit to the Burnt Food Museum and now we're burning with curiosity to see what their article (and video!) will be like! So keep an eye on (where you can also read about our local water emergency! We're having a taste - no pun intended - of what many in the world experience every day -- the lack of clean water! Our local emergency is almost over, but it's certainly given me a greater appreciation for what comes out of my tap!)

7. PHOTOS OF MY PREMIER IN WALES: There's been no time to get them online since I returned about 10 days ago from an incredible concert of my music in Wales with the Mavron String Quartet, Ensemble Cymru, soloists Amanda Whiting, Eleanor Turner (and me) and with conductors Jonathan Wyner ...and ... me! So join my Facebook Fan page or follow me on Twitter to get an up-to-date notice of when these great photos go on line -- or stay tuned to next newsletter!


• THIS FRI & SAT! MAY 7 & 8: Mother's Day Shows in Massachusetts & New Hampshire
• SUN. JUN. 18: Father's Day Shows in Seattle at the Triple Door 206-838-4333
• AUG. 16 - 21: Summer Performance Workshop in Maine: Where musicians bloom! Early-Bird Registration extended for my fans only thru May 9! This is an unadvertised extension only for my fans, so to get the discount thru Mother's Day make sure you tell them this is a Mother's Day Gift (that'll work even if you're buying the gift for yourself)
More on these and other shows at my TOUR PAGE


Main Booking Contact: Andrea Sabata    561-790-4843 
Orchestral Shows : Barney Kilpatrick    770-518-6434

   General Info: (781) 483-3556
   CDs & Products: (888) DEB-STUF
   Fax: (781) 483-3987
   Post: Golden Cage Music, Inc. - PO Box 1039 - Arlington, MA 02474

   Press Liaison: (781) 483-3556
To send a message to Deborah:

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Click icon at left to become a member of this E-Mail List (if you're not one already) -- and receive these monthly emails about my tours, CDs, stories and events.

If you have questions about this E-Newsletter, or comments about a recent or upcoming show, video or CD cut, drop me a line!  Let me know if you enjoyed the Musical Mother's Day widget-ecard-thingy or if you had problems with it. It's always great to hear from you, and though I can't always answer quickly, I do try to get back to you as soon as I can!

SPECIAL THANKS FOR THIS EBLAST CONTENTS TO:  Alex Feldman Beatriz Harley (the lovely voice inside the phone at 888-DEB-STUF), Mke King (, Michael Katz (, Topspin Media (
