
[CCC-07] Protecting Your Emotions & Privacy

This video tells the story of a time I didn’t protect myself – which had long-term consequences.

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Eventually I broke through, but it took over a decade, and this was the result:

As an adult-learner or an independent learner you must split yourself into two personas:

  • The adult, who will create a safe environment for the child to experiment
  • The child, who will utterly embrace the joy of experimenting without any care to how it sounds

When I say ‘safe’ I mean these things:

  • You need to make sure you don’t open yourself up to the well-meaning criticism of your friends and family
  • You need to protect your child-persona from your own critic-persona

You need to commit and invest in allowing it to sound bad, and you need to make it safe for that to happen.  You need to know when you’re experimenting and when you’re ‘presenting’ your work to other people and you need to take calculated risks on when – and to whom — it’s safe to show your experiments, and when it isn’t.

You have to create that safety for yourself, whatever that means.

To a caterpillar it means creating a chrysalis.



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