FAQs & Member Support Page

If you have a question, scroll down to look for the answer. If you don’t see it,  use the search field. 
If you still don’t find your answer, use the “Ask a Question” form.
If you’re looking for Replays or Resources that used to be here, check the Replay & Resources Page


 If you are a full Academy Member, you should be able to access most of the pages that are linked in the following categories. There are a few resources that are only for “Harness Your Muse” members. If you’re unable to access a resource you think you should have access to, use the “Ask a Question” form to tell us exactly the problem you’re having.

If you’re in a stand-alone class, you should have access to the pages that are for the class you’re in, but you won’t have access to all of them. 

If you think you should have access to a resource or page you don’t have access to, use the “Ask a Question” form to let us know exactly what page you’re tryng to get access to.  Please take the time to explain it clearly and give us the URL (link) to this page and tell us exactly what page you can’t access


Curriculum Overview

A Reference overview of all Hip Harp Academy Classes. This is a Google Document that we originally created for internal use so we have an overview of each class and what the outcome of the class is. We also created it so that those who and interested in getting CEU credit for a class can get the information they need to know which classes may be relevant to their studies.  Note that this curriculum is constantly expanding and transforming, so this document may not always be a completely accurate reflection of what’s available in the Academy right at this moment, but it will give you a good general idea.

This is our “Quarterly Curriculum Overview” of the four Academy quarters.  This PDF is also periodically updated and posted in the current quarters “Quarterly Notes”, which is where you’re likely to find the most updated version.



Mindset Questions (this link will open all the mindset questions in a separate tab)

Below is a list of all “Mindset Question” posts (status: These posts need to have the “FAQ” category added — 8/1/23 – DHC)

Q: Do you have strategies for overcoming performance nerves?

Q: I feel behind in class – what should I do?

Q: How do you motivate yourself to continue playing with passion and enjoyment, even if people are not listening?



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