[HTL-85] G-Bass-Downwards-FanFare-with-6th&3rd-chord

Start with Harps Tuned in C  

[HTL-85-211216 – HARP TIME LIVE #85 – Thu. Dec 16, 2021]

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Please add your own insights, revelations, and takeaways below in the comments, even if someone else already said the same thing!  Just say it in your own way or say it again the way they did.

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The Chat Feed (click to open)
16:32:23     From Anne Horton : When I say Harp Time LOVE I mean Harp Time Live .. but its a happy accident! 🙂
16:32:50     From Ruth Shepherd : Good balance
16:41:20     From Anne Horton : Are we brave enough to suggest some great fingering for this?
16:43:37     From Ruth Shepherd : Relative minor
16:44:18     From Tara : Fingering suggestion for melody:  use just fingers 1, 2, and 3. When you cross 1 under 3 (C to B), that leaves 3 to grab the low G easily.
16:52:34     From Ruth Shepherd : Yes, adding 9ths to the minor chords adds more character to the harmony, and ‘hides’ the expected major chords.
16:56:31     From Heather F : In the car listening  !  on the way back from getting boosted…..yay
17:05:31     From Marianna : Joy
17:05:53     From Lawrence : Feels like we can build on what we have been learning.  Nice and familiar process.
17:06:05     From Cathy Hornby : Really finding the way of thinking and viewing the shapes and patterns to get this in my head and my fingers.
17:06:12     From Nancy Cochran : Beautiful flexible and joyful. Love the 6ths and the drone - all.
17:06:23     From Cherrie Mooney : Keeping it simple will make it more doable.
17:06:44     From Tara : Improvising over the open C-G can keep me going for quite a while.
17:06:50     From Ruth Shepherd : Loved the LH patterns - its bitsy spider style
17:07:03     From Anne Horton : Playing your intro before you speak is effective … but I guess the reverse could also be effective too - especially when you start with looking at the camera in order to turn it on
17:07:51     From Ruth Shepherd : When we started improvising I found myself playing The Ash Grove - similar melodic shapes to Wish You a Merry Christmas
17:08:14     From Joke Verdoold : All happy! Found an easy, but nice sounding baslina to sing with.
17:17:17     From Liz’s iPad : Thank you Deborah
17:19:32     From Marianna : Flexibility
17:19:35     From Joke Verdoold : Combine endlesly
17:19:38     From Ruth Shepherd : It allows freedom in the moment
17:19:45     From Lawrence : Endless possibilities
17:19:48     From Tara : Feel free to make it too short.
17:19:52     From Kimberly : I like that can use one song and make it different for each person
17:20:27     From Anne Horton : The concept of “dancing around the C” means that all of a sudden I am playing the right notes in that section each time! Yay!
17:20:36     From Cathy Hornby : It’s making it possible! (secret…..I sent my first (birthday) harp card after your last coaching on this ❤️
17:25:01     From Joke Verdoold : So great to make mistakes. Now I found the 1-5-11 also sounds great!
17:25:22     From Midge : inspiration beyond imagination. Mahalo
17:25:25     From Cathy Hornby : This has shown how marvellous it is to do something new with a familiar tune and make it unique for an individual- lovely
17:25:28     From DHC : https://www.harpsetc.com/deborah-henson-conant-create-your-own-musical-greeting-card-en.html
17:26:27     From mona seering : Memorized during the clAss
17:26:33     From Midge  To  DHC(privately) : so sweet to know your orchid is happy
17:28:39     From Hýldi’s iPad Pro : Happy Birthday Joke!
17:28:51     From Melinda Ostrander-Aviles : Happy Birthday Joke!
17:29:05     From Ruth Shepherd : Yay, happy Birthday Joke!
17:29:12     From Ruth Shepherd : Best song
17:29:47     From Anne Horton : Happy Birthday Joke! (You made it!)
17:33:08     From Tara : Happy birthday, Joke!
17:33:21     From Joke Verdoold : Thank you all!!!
17:33:25     From mona seering : Oh Happy Day!

Share your takeaways and 'aha's' below.

What are the principles and concepts in this session? If you had to remember what you learned, or someone said, "Quick! I have to do an improv! What did you learn in this 'Harp Time Live!' session that I can use??" - What would you tell them?