Mega-Lessons with DHC


.The Mega-Lesson is a fusion of private one-on-one coaching and a creative masterclass. I teach Mega-Lessons rather than one-on-one lessons when I’m on tour, because I’ve found that people learn better when they can combine one-on-one learning with watching other people learn. It’s also a way to offer affordable lessons with more access time.

In order to schedule a Mega-Lesson, a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 5 need to sign up for the same time-slot.

  • 3-Person Mega-Lesson is 90-Minutes long (including a short 2-5 minute break between 30-minute sessions)
  • 4-Person Mega-Lesson is 2 Hours Long 
  • 5-Person Mega-Lesson is 2.5 hours

All times above include a short (2-5 minute) break between each 30-minute session. If there are more than 3 people, we’ll take a 10-15 minute break half-way through the lesson as well, and if people need to leave early, that’s fine.

Here’s How it Works

If there’s a Mega-Lesson scheduled in your area you should be able to sign up below (if you don’t see a sign-up below and you know there’s a Mega-Lesson scheduled in your area, use the “Ask-a-Question” form to connect with us. Once we reach capacity, we’ll email you to confirm the lesson. If the Mega-Lesson is filled and you sign up, we’ll put you on the wait list. We won’t run your credit card until the lesson has reached capacity (in other words, we won’t run your card until we’ve got the lesson filled and we’re confirming it’ll happen).

How Much Does it Cost? How Long does it last?

Each person pays $90 – and you can stay for the duration of the Megalesson. 

Do I need to bring a harp?

Assuming there’s someone hosting the Mega-lesson who has a harp you can use, bringing your own harp is recommended but not necessary. If you have your own harp with you, I can work with you on things that are specific to you and your instrument. Sometimes that’s relevant (like if you’re learning to bend notes and your harp has a different length of string above the bridge pin than my harp, for example)

What if I signed up and I can’t come?

If you want to send someone else in your place, and have them reimburse you directly, that’s fine – and you’ll just need to work out those finances directly. There are no direct refunds.

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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