Most Fridays at 9:15-ish AM ET 

Join us on the playground of thought where Art meets Psyche
a weekly video conversation with Deborah Henson-Conant & Kathleen Wiley

Streaming Live on YOUTUBE and sometimes also on FACEBOOK

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Watch and listen to the most recent episode below.

Why We Created “Jung at Harp”

You hear people all day long on the internet selling to you, telling you how to be smarter, better, more effective. But to expand fully, your mind needs to engage in inquiry and exploration. It needs to watch other minds explore, see the interplay of questions and ideas, to watch ideas unfold.

In “Jung at Harp” you jump into a conversation that explores the world where music and the psyche meet. Two experts in their own fields – of music and psychoanalysis – in a conversation about ideas without any ulterior agenda. These conversations aren’t about trying to prove, teach or sell.

This is the art of conversation, the joy of exploration – and YOU are invited to be part of it.

It all started in an old car. I was in Charlotte, NC for a series of workshops. Kathleen Wiley, a Jungian Psychoanalyst and budding harpist, was a member of the local Harp Society who offered to host me in her home, and ferry me to the workshop site.

It was in those car rides that we started a conversation about how the mind, emotions and music influence each other — and I never wanted those conversations to end.

But you know how it is – you mean to keep in touch, but life intrudes. So three years later, we decided to do an experiment. What if the best way to continue the conversation regularly was to do it as a weekly broadcast?  A weekly conversation series about the rich land where music and the psyche meet, illuminated by Kathleen’s expertise in the work of Carl Jung and my lifelong work as a composer and performer.

We both play harp, so we called it “Jung at Harp”

If you listen to the episodes from the beginning you’ll see we explore different formats for the conversation – but it always centers on the same theme: the place where music and psyche meet – and how that can illuminate us and transform our lives.

Deborah Henson-Conant is a composer, performer and creator of Hip Harp Academy an international training community for creative expression, improvisation and performances skills for harpists.  Website   TEDx Talk

Kathleen Wiley is a Jungian Psychoanalyst, presenter, and author empowering people to live out of a conscious connection to the larger Self – in her work with couples and in her writings and workshops at Inner Divine Spirit.

Episode #1: IMPULSE

Impulse is the desire to do, be, have, touch. It’s the first step to creative expression. But what is it, really? And how do you sustain your creative impulse when it may take hours, days, weeks or even years to transform a creative impulse to something you can actually share with the world?

(Recorded Dec. 1, 2019)

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Episode #2:  STRUCTURE

Structure is at the heart of creative freedom – when it’s an internal, flexible structure – like our own skeleton.

(Recorded Dec. 13, 2019)

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Episode #3:  CHARACTER

Character is the flavor, the scent, the expression – the ineffable that gives meaning to the concrete.

(Recorded Dec. 20, 2019)

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Episode #4:  ROLES

Roles give you the power to work spontaneously with others. If you’ve ever watched or played team sports, you know that positions or roles give you the freedom to play with others, even if you speak different languages!

(Recorded Dec. 29, 2019)

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Episode #5:  PRACTICE(S)

There are two ways of looking at the word ‘practice‘ – one is the act of practicING to ‘get something’ you want to be able to do. The other is the act of developing A PRACTICE so that you create conditions so that what you want can get to YOU.

(Recorded Jan. 3, 2020)

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Structure, DEconstructed or distilled, bcomes the seed or blueprint for countless new creations – even in completely different media.

(Recorded Jan. 10, 2020)

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Episode #7:  LIFT-OFF

In the moment of performance, we drop conscious practice.  We speak fluently in a language where perfection is irrelevant, because we are simply revealing what it means to be human.

Lift-off is the moment when we stop trying to perfect, and fully embrace what we are and what we can do in this moment.

(Recorded Jan. 30, 2020)

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Episode #8:  INTEGRATION

In this episode we talk about what it looks like to integrate every string, and how that works.

(Recorded Feb. 7, 2020)

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In this video we are exploring authenticity & wholeness as they relate to the “Strings of Passion” principles we explored in the first 7 conversations.

(Recorded Feb. 21, 2020)

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In this video we are exploring relationships as they relate to the “Strings of Passion” principles we explored in the first 7 conversations.

(Recorded Feb. 28, 2020)

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Episode #11:  ANXIETY

How can we deal with anxiety?  Where does it comes from?  How to break it down and how to deconstruct the impulses that disconnect us from each other (and ourselves) when we’re anxious?

(Recorded Mar. 6, 2020)

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Episode #12:  OVERWHELM

In this video we looked at how the “Strings of Passion” principles and Jungian concepts can help us when we’re feeling overwhelmed.

(Recorded Mar. 13, 2020)

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In this video we are talking about how transform isolation into solitude, especially in the midst of crisis.

(Recorded Mar. 20, 2020)

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Episode #14:  What is FLOW? (And how do I find it?)

Are you struggling getting from point A to point B?  Are you getting distracted?  What is keeping you from fluency in your life? In this video we are talking about flow – What it is, how to find it, and the difference between straight focus versus curved focus.

(Recorded Apr. 3, 2020)

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Episode #15: How do we CHANGE? (and deal with it around us?)

In this episode we talk about change – both the expected and unexpected – and how we deal with it.

(Recorded Apr. 10, 2020)

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Episode #16: How to GROUND yourself

In this video we looked at how to find ways to ground ourselves through the principles of creative resonance, music (specifically the Blues) and Jungian principles.

(Recorded Apr. 27, 2020)

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Episode #17: How to have a RICH life

In this video we looked at how to sink a line into your raw creative energy, refine that energy and use it to power the vehicles of creative expression that are important to you – so you become the mechanism to transform raw creative energy into FORMS (music, art, ideas, yoga classes, apps, recipes, ad infinitum) that enrich humanity.

(Recorded May 1, 2020)

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Episode #18: Vulnerability, Unreliability & Precariousness

In this video we looked at vulnerability, unreliability and precariousness: What they are and what’s different and similar about them.

(Recorded May 8, 2020)

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Episode #19: Musicality

In this video we looked at MUSICALITY – what it is in your life, and what it is in music.

(Recorded May 29, 2020)

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Episode #20: Antidote to Perfectionism

In this video we explored the antidote to PERFECTIONISM.

(Recorded June 6, 2020)

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Episode #21: The Tyranny of Should, Must & Ought-to

In this video we explored the how to escape the TYRANNY of shoulds, musts & ought-to’s.

(Recorded June 19, 2020)

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Episode #22: The Fear of Shining

In this video we explored the FEAR of shining when things are going great.

(Recorded July 24, 2020)

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Episode #23: What is Creativity

In this video we asked the question “What is CREATIVITY” through the lenses of the ‘Strings of Passion’ and Jungian Concepts.

(Recorded July 31, 2020)

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Episode #24: How to LET Yourself Change

In this episode we looked at what it takes to LET ourselves change – how playing music, or any art form – can become the vehicle for our own change if we LET ourselves become affected by our own play – or as my teacher Tony Montanaro used to say, “You must become a victim of your own work.”

(Recorded August 28, 2020)

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Episode #25: How to Reconnect to Parts of us Frozen by Trauma

In this episode we looked at what it takes to reconnect to that frozen or traumatized part of ourselves that we seem to have no access to.

(Recorded September 11, 2020)

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Episode #26: Higher Self versus Lower Self

What’s our Higher Self? What’s our Lower Self? Is there a Greater Self? An Ego self? What ARE these things? Do we really have them – and how do they affect the way we live and ‘be’? We explored these questions in this week’s episode.

(Recorded September 17, 2020)

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Episode #27: How to Recover Your Essence when the Blueprint gets Soggy

In this episode we explore: How to recover your essence when the blueprint gets soggy… through the twin lenses of artistic creativity and Jungian psychoanalysis.
(Recorded October 2, 2020)

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Episode #28: How to Transform by Renewing our Minds

In this episode we explore: How do we transform ourselves from within the closed system of our own minds? How can we renew ourselves, our minds, our spirits?
(Recorded October 9, 2020)

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Episode #29: Inviting the Undiscovered Self

Today we’re exploring: What is the “Undiscovered Self” that Carl Jung talks about? What happens when we DO discover it? How can we engage with it? What will WE discover as we do?

(Recorded October 16, 2020)

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Episode #30: The Search for Vulnerability

Today we’re exploring: What is “Vulnerability”? What is it? How can we find it for ourselves, how can we be vulnerable enough to be available emotionally to others?

(Recorded October 24, 2020)

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Episode #31: How Does Imagination affect faith, hope, belief … and avoidance?

What can imagination tell us about faith, hope, belief … and avoidance? Are they all on a spectrum? Can imagination turn avoidance into action via faith, hope or belief?
(Recorded October 30, 2020)

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Episode #32: What does Carl Jung mean by ‘The Shadow’ Self?

Carl Jung described the ‘shadow’ as the unknown side of the personality. What happens if we begin to know it?
(Recorded November 6, 2020)

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Episode #33: Why do we binge?

Why do we BINGE? How is Stress like Fear and why do we react by eating, watching media – or any other kind of binging?

(Recorded November 13, 2020)

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Episode #34: How Can we GROUND ourselves?

What does it mean to GROUND ourselves? Why is it important? How does it help us fly? What does this mean in our LIVES and in our CREATIVE EXPRESSION?

(Recorded November 20, 2020)

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Episode #35: The Vulnerability of Sharing

What happens when we share ourselves vulnerably, authentically and wholeheartedly during the holidays? How do we reach out from our hearts with love, put it into words – and maybe even into music – and deal with the vulnerability we feel when we do it?

(Recorded December 4, 2020)

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Episode #36: How to Share the Gift of Ourselves

How do we share the gift of ourselves? What if we’re not sure what we have is worth being given?

(Recorded December 11, 2020)

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Episode #37: What is Integrity with our Non-Ego Selves

The official title of today’s episode is: “Finding our Integrity in Connection to the Total Authentic Selves versus the Compartmentalized Ego-Driven Self.” We look at how we might do this – and along the way, discover more about the dimensions of our existence and the resonance of our creativity.

(Recorded December 18, 2020)

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Episode #38: Creative Bursts from the Unconscious

How can we court creative bursts from the unconscious? Kathleen discovered that this was exactly what was happening as she started exploring the music in my 5-Day Vision Music Challenge. Why did that happen? What’s the relationship between playing an instrument and how it informs our body?

(Recorded January 16, 2021)

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Episode #39: Transformation thru Play

How do we transform through playing? What is it about ‘play’ that is different from ‘practice’ or ‘work’? How does that transformation happen?

(Recorded January 29, 2021)

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Episode #40: Visions of the Heart

How can we court creative bursts from the unconscious? Kathleen discovered that this was exactly what was happening as she started exploring the music in my 5-Day Vision Music Challenge. Why did that happen? What’s the relationship between playing an instrument and how it informs our body?

(Recorded February 5, 2021)

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Episode #41: Visions of the Heart (Pt. 2)

What is the vision of the heart? Can we focus our love? In Part 2 of this episode, two days before Valentine’s Day, we continue to at the four chambers of the heart described by Angeles Arrien in “The Four Fold Way.”

(Recorded February 12, 2021)

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Episode #42: Why play below your skill level?

When we perform, are we trying to prove our value … or trying to connect and communicate? The choice to bring our whole, authentic, selves to our playing – exactly as we are right now – may feel like we aren’t challenging ourselves. But, in fact, it is a deep challenge to forfeit proving ourselves and our skills to choose the vulnerability of truly connecting.

(Recorded February 26, 2021)

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Episode #43: Playing with Resistance & Criticism

Can we navigate by resistance? Why do we have it – and what role does criticism play in that resistance?

(Recorded March 5, 2021)

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