Woohooo!  Doors are OPEN NOW for my most popular online course for harp players “Hip Harp Toolkit!” and YOU get an Early-Bird Discount!!


If you’re determined to get UNSTUCK from the written page – whether you’re fledgling or professional, whether you play for parties, for fun or for hospice – Hip Harp Toolkit has helped hundreds of harpists not only memorize tunes but improvise on them long enough to make them sound GLORIOUS.

And if you’re an Early-Bird and register before Sept. 15 you save a whopping $150 and get a bunch of great BONUSES (just use the code EARLY – all caps) – so REGISTER NOW for the full 10-Week “Hip Harp Toolkit” Program.

BTW if you missed my live training last Tuesday, no worries!  I got so many great comments about it (Thank you!!!!) — and I want to give you something REALLY special this coming Sunday to get you ready to dive into “Hip Harp Toolkit” when classes start Sept. 22.

If you’ve seen the “Hip Harp Toolkit” info page, or any of my webinars, you know that Hip Harp Toolkit is all about learning to liberate yourself from the page and create arrangements of any simple tune on the spot.

It’s all about learning to approach music with an IMPROVISOR’S mind – so you can make up your OWN arrangements without having to write it down – or read it – because I show you how it actually WORKS!  I even give you an arrangement TEMPLATE so you can just plug-and-play!

And the reason that’s so great is that it’s all about learning to express yourSELF with your instrument by creating your own arrangements at YOUR exact technical level.

Don’t believe me?  The reason we FEEL like it’s a struggle to learn or play music is because nobody’s ever shown us how to actually play WITH what we HAVE.  Most musical training is so focused on learning the ‘next more advanced thing’ — some piece somebody ELSE wrote — that we have no idea how to release the infinite creative potential inside each and every simple melody that exists.

But every melody is a UNIVERSE of musical potential – and YOU can unlock it. Over and over. In infinitely different ways.  That’s what I show you how to do in “Hip Harp Toolkit.”

[Hey – here’s a note that  popped up in my inbox while I was writing this – it’s from Kate, who was at last Tuesday’s webinar and signed up in the course: “Thank you for using ‘Twinkle Little Star’ to show the arrangement skills!  I’m realizing that it doesn’t have to be complicated or showy to be drop-dead-gorgeous.”  Thanks, Kate!]

Yes.  Music is profoundly simple at the core. 

There are 3 musical “Roles”:

  1. Melodic Line
  2. Accompaniment
  3. Bass line

…and they actually have a PLACE THEY LIVE on the harp. I show you exactly how to find them and use them. (Yeah, I know this is a weird-looking harp and what harp has three holes in the front of the soundboard – but what can I say – it’s … uh representative art?)


Once you know how they work together, you can simplify them … or embellish them, and you can play WITH music the same way you play with any beloved toy, starting simply and expanding as far as you can possibly imagine.

(And sure, you can also create fun, simple showy effects -I LOVE showing you those! Because – hey, sometimes it’s fun to just show off!  And there are SIMPLE and FUN ways to do that, too!)

Music can be as fun as any game. And it also lets you express yourself.  So the more you play, the better you get at expressing your SELF through the music.  And THAT’S what I want for you.

Seriously.  Because that’s what I got as a gift in this life.  And that’s what I want to give to you.

Many people think that sitting down and creating an arrangement on the spot is for “other people,” people with a certain kind of brain or talent. BUT THAT’S NOT TRUE.  And it’s especially not true on the HARP.

Anyone can do it! And if you have a harp, and basic skills – like being able to play one note in each hand at the same time —  I’m going to PROVE that to you this Sunday!

So bring your harp to your computer this Sunday (or vice-versa) and join me on line for a live-stream video training. You’ll get to play, you’ll get to ask questions and you’ll learn  to experience just how drop-dead-gorgeous it feels when you take the music into YOUR hands.

Register for Sunday’s FREE webinar here.

See you there!


p.s  Don’t forget: We kick off Hip Harp Toolkit on Sept. 22nd – and if you’re an EARLY-BIRD and join before September 15, you’ll save $150 buckeroonies! Just use the code EARLY (all caps).  And don’t wait!  Because the FIRST 25 to Register ALSO get my ACT FAST Bonus (A FREE half-day “Beyond the Page” virtual retreat with me!). Do it now!  I LOVE it when I see your registrations come in!!  I LOVE spending 10 weeks with you!!

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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

Woohoo! You'r Registered for the 2022 "5-Day Harp Improv" Challenge!