I’m having a JAM Learning PARTY just for HARP PLAYERS on SATURDAY & You’re INVITED for FREE!
for the Harp Jam Learning Party!
- The party starts at 2:30 pm EDT and goes until 5pm EDT
- We learn & play a new musical jam every half-hour
- Come as soon as you want, stay as long as you like and bring your favorite snacks (you won’t have to share them with anyone else)!!!
- Drop in for half-an hour or stay for the whole session.
I’m recording these sessions as warmups and reviews for the students in “Summer Harp Jam” – so if you register for the JAM PARTY you’ll get to sneak a peek at what they’re learning in the 6-Week “Summer Harp Jam” program (and a chance to join them for the full 6 Weeks)
Click here to REGISTER FOR FREE – and I’ll see you on Saturday! Can’t make it?? REGISTER anyway and I’ll send you a link to replay the fun!
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