It actually took a lot of emotional effort for me to submit this, because my playing is at such a beginner level.
However, my original goal was to accompany myself singing. So I decided that I would do at LEAST that much.
I fell in love with the “Skye Boat Song” which has a contrasting style in the verse, and then one of my favorite mini-melodies.
My unexpected challenge was in singing along. I almost never perform sitting. With the sitting posture and my arms reaching forward, I had to concentrate harder on breath support, etc. – even in a voice range that is normally effortless for me! I’m really looking forward to revisiting all of the cool things I learned in this course, and putting them to work as my skill level grows. Thanks DHC!!!
DHC says: This is such a great example of taking a huge strength you already have: your beautiful voice – and using simple harping skills to give it a platform. It works wonderfully! And one can only imagine what will develop as you keep combining voice and harp — I can’t wait to hear!
What was this project all about? What were the Guidelines? The project description was to take 3 contrasting tunes and create a medley no more than 3.5 minutes using techniques from the course, like introductions, melodic improvising, embellishing, turnaround endings and modulating from key to key. (If you’re not a musician, you’ll know when they’re modulating when you see them reach up to shift the levers, which change the harp into a new key).
One of the core principles of the course is “Imperfect Completion” so each of the “Final Projects” is really a “Beginning Project.”
Good use of vocal and harp. sounded very celtic. like gliss when changed keys
So very lovely, the voice and the harp! I wouldn’t worry about being a beginner after listening to this, it really sounded complete!