“The Golden Cage” is a musical about escaping isolation and remembering the freedom of who we truly are.
It runs for 5 days in NYC April 20-24
This is a message everyone needs to hear. It’s whimsical, funny, beautiful and it’s a show that speaks to multi-generations.
So LET’S FILL THE HOUSE! I’d LOVE your help!
The EASIEST way to share is just by going to GoldenCageMusical.com and using the sharing buttons:
We also created some templates & images to make it super easy for you to share.
Link here for the Fun & Easy Social Sharing Templates for The Golden Cage.
Who should you tell?
Everyone! But especially friends in the NYC Tri-State Area, any folks who love a great new musical and anyone who needs a story about the experience of coming out of isolation.
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